
Список переменных Quake 4

22.10.2005: Список переменных Quake 4

aas_showAreaBounds               When show areas is on, this draws the bounds
                                 of the areas, too...
af_contactFrictionScale          scales the contact friction
af_forceFriction                 force the given friction value
af_highlightBody                 name of the body to highlight
af_highlightConstraint           name of the constraint to highlight
af_jointFrictionScale            scales the joint friction
af_maxAngularVelocity            maximum angular velocity
af_maxLinearVelocity             maximum linear velocity
af_showActive                    show tree-like structures of articulated
                                 figures not at rest
af_showBodies                    show bodies
af_showBodyNames                 show body names
af_showConstrainedBodies         show the two bodies contrained by the
                                 highlighted constraint
af_showConstraintNames           show constraint names
af_showConstraints               show constraints
af_showInertia                   show the inertia tensor of each body
af_showLimits                    show joint limits
af_showMass                      show the mass of each body
af_showPrimaryOnly               show primary constraints only
af_showTimings                   show articulated figure cpu usage
af_showTotalMass                 show the total mass of each articulated
af_showTrees                     show tree-like structures
af_showVelocity                  show the velocity of each body
af_skipFriction                  skip friction
af_skipLimits                    skip joint limits
af_skipSelfCollision             skip self collision detection
af_testSolid                     test for bodies initially stuck in solid
af_timeScale                     scales the time
af_useImpulseFriction            use impulse based contact friction
af_useJointImpulseFriction       use impulse based joint friction
af_useLinearTime                 use linear time algorithm for tree-like
af_useSymmetry                   use constraint matrix symmetry
ai_allowOldAAS                   allows AI to use most recent AAS file, even
                                 if it is not up-to-date. Enable only for
ai_allowTacticalRush             allows tactical ai to rush an enemy when
ai_blockedFailSafe               enable blocked fail safe handling
ai_debugEyeFocus                 draws eye focus info
ai_debugFilterString             see ai_debugFilter
ai_debugHelpers                  draws ai helpers
ai_debugMove                     draws movement information for monsters
ai_debugScript                   displays script calls for the specified
                                 monster entity number
ai_debugSquad                    draws squad info for allies
ai_debugStealth                  draws suspicion info for enemies
ai_debugTactical                 draws tactical information for monsters
ai_debugTrajectory               draws trajectory tests for monsters
ai_disableAttacks                disables attack decisions
ai_disableCover                  disables AI using cover points
ai_disableEntTactical            disables tactical points around entities
ai_disableSimpleThink            disables simple thinking in AI entities
ai_playerPushAlways              always allow player to push buddies, unless
ai_showCombatNodes               draws attack cones for monsters
ai_showObstacleAvoidance         draws obstacle avoidance information for
                                 monsters.  if 2, draws obstacles for player,
                                 as well
ai_showPaths                     draws path_* entities
ai_useRVMasterMove               changes AI to use new master move function
bse_debris                       disable effect debris
bse_debug                        display debug info about effect
bse_enabled                      set to false to disable all effects
bse_maxParticles                 max number of particles allowed per segment
bse_physics                      disable effect physics
bse_rateCost                     rate cost multiplier for spawned effects
bse_rateLimit                    rate limit for spawned effects
bse_render                       disable effect rendering
bse_scale                        effect scalability amount
bse_showBounds                   display debug bounding boxes effect
bse_singleEffect                 set to the name of the effect that is only
cl_punkbuster                    is client side PunkBuster enabled?
cm_backFaceCull                  cull back facing polygons
cm_debugCollision                debug the collision detection
cm_debugRotation                 debug rotation failure
cm_debugSetParms                 debug set parameters
cm_debugTranslation              debug translation failure
cm_drawColor                     color used to draw the collision models
cm_drawFilled                    draw filled polygons
cm_drawIndexScale                scale of primitive indices
cm_drawIndices                   draw primitive indices
cm_drawInternal                  draw internal edges green
cm_drawMask                      collision mask
cm_drawNormals                   draw polygon and edge normals
com_allowBadSavegameVersion      For debugging purposes only - so you can
                                 attempt to load savegames from a different
                                 version - data may not match, may crash game
com_allowConsole                 allow toggling console with the tilde key
com_asyncSound                   0: mix sound inline, 1: memory mapped async
                                 mix, 2: callback mixing, 3: write async mix
com_BinaryRead                   read binary lexed files
com_BinaryWrite                  write binary lexed files, 0 = no write, 1 =
                                 native write, 2 = byte swapped write
com_Bundler                      Prepare an XML format Resource Definition
                                 File for Xenon Bundler
com_compressDemos                Compression scheme for demo files
                                 0: None    (Fast, large files)
                                 1: LZW     (Fast to compress, Fast to
                                 decompress, medium/small files)
                                 2: LZSS    (Slow to compress, Fast to
                                 decompress, small files)
                                 3: Huffman (Fast to compress, Slow to
                                 decompress, medium files)
                                 See also: The 'CompressDemo' command
com_cpuSpeed                     holds processor speed in GHz
com_forceGenericSIMD             force generic platform independent SIMD
com_journal                      1 = record journal, 2 = play back journal
com_Limits                       show engine limits
com_logDemos                     Write demo.log with debug information in it
com_logMPStats                   Enabled writing of Multiplayer statistics at
                                 the end of a match.  Will write to
com_machineSpec                  hardware classification, -1 = not detected,
                                 0 = low quality, 1 = medium quality, 2 =
                                 high quality, 3 = ultra quality
com_MakeLoadScreens              generate rdf's for xenon load screens
com_makingBuild                  1 when making a build
com_memoryMarker                 used as a marker for memory stats
com_preciseTic                   run one game tick every async thread update
com_preloadDemos                 Load the whole demo in to RAM before running
com_purgeAll                     purge everything between level loads
com_QuickLoad                    load the game without loading textures and
                                 or sounds, 1 = no textures and sounds, 2 =
                                 no textures, 3 = no sounds
com_showAsyncStats               show async network stats
com_showFPS                      show frames rendered per second
com_showMemAllocTags             show Mem_Alloc tag statistics -- Debug Only.
com_showMemoryUsage              show total and per frame memory usage
com_showSoundDecoders            show sound decoders
com_SingleDeclFile               read a single file with only necessary decls
com_skipRenderer                 skip the renderer completely
com_speeds                       show engine timings
com_syncGameFrame                run one game frame for every rendered frame
com_systemRam                    holds number of megs of system memory
com_timestampPrints              print time with each console print, 1 = msec
                                  2 = sec
com_uniqueWarnings               activate to allow individual warnings to
                                 print only once per level load.
com_updateLoadSize               update the load size after loading a map
com_videoRam                     holds the last amount of detected video ram
com_WriteSingleDeclFile          write a single file with only necessary
con_noPrint                      print on the console but not onscreen when
                                 console is pulled up
con_notifyTime                   time messages are displayed onscreen when
                                 console is pulled up
con_speed                        speed at which the console moves up and down
decl_show                        set to 1 to print parses, 2 to also print
demo_debug                       debug demo replay system
demo_enforceFS                   enforce filesystem pureness before playing
                                 back a demo
demo_scale                       speed scaling of demo replays
fas_blendBias                    multiplier to the per phoneme blend time
fas_debug                        debug info for facial animation system
fas_intensityBias                bias applied to the intensity of the phoneme
                                 when trying to extract the viseme
fas_threshhold0                  intensity required to use frame set 0
fas_threshhold1                  intensity required to use frame set 1
fas_timeOffset                   ms offset to the viseme frame
fs_game                          mod path
fs_game_base                     alternate mod path, searched after the main
                                 fs_game path, before the basedir
fs_importpath                    rjohnson:fixme
fs_mapPaks                       Use level paks.  Only checks pak with the
                                 same name as the map
fs_searchAddons                  search all addon pk4s ( disables addon
                                 functionality )
g_allowVehicleGunOverheat        allows disabling the gun overheating
                                 mechanism for vehicles that use it.
g_announcerDelay                 no more than one announcer sound will be
                                 played in this many ms
g_armorProtection                armor takes this percentage of damage
g_armorProtectionMP              armor takes this percentage of damage in mp
g_brassTime                      amount of time brass should stay in the
                                 world before dissapearing, set to 0 to
                                 disable brass
g_cinematic                      skips updating entities that aren't marked
                                 'cinematic' '1' during cinematics
g_cinematicMaxSkipTime           # of seconds to allow game to run when
                                 skipping cinematic.  prevents lock-up when
                                 cinematic doesn't end.
g_crosshairCharInfoFar           instead of a green crosshair from far away,
                                 full character info always draws
g_crosshairColor                 sets the combat crosshair color
g_crosshairCustom                sets the custom combat crosshair
g_crosshairCustomFile            stores the custom crosshair's filename
g_crosshairSize                  crosshair size: 16,24,32,40,48
g_currentPlayback                name of playback shown by g_showPlayback
g_debugAnim                      displays information on which animations are
                                 playing on the specified entity number.  set
                                 to -1 to disable.
g_debugBounds                    checks for models with bounds > 2048
g_debugCinematic                 set to the name of the state you want to
                                 debug or * for all
g_debugVehicleAI                 enables debug features for the vehicle ai
g_debugVehicleDriver             enables debug features for the
g_decals                         show decals such as bullet holes
g_disasm                         disassemble script into base/script
                                 disasm.txt on the local drive when script is
g_doubleVision                   show double vision when taking damage
g_dragEntity                     allows dragging physics objects around by
                                 placing the crosshair over them and holding
                                 the fire button
g_earthquake                     controls earthquake effect
g_editEntityDistance             range to display entities to edit
g_editEntityMode                 0 = off
                                 1 = lights
                                 2 = sounds
                                 3 = articulated figures
                                 4 = particle systems
                                 5 = monsters
                                 6 = entity names
                                 7 = entity models
                                 8 = effects
g_editEntityTextDistance         range to display entities to edit text
g_favoritesList                  Favorites List
g_flushSave                      1 = don't buffer file writing for save
g_forceUndying                   forces undying state
g_frametime                      displays timing information for each game
g_friendsList                    Friends List
g_gameReviewPause                scores review time in seconds (at end game)
g_gravity                        singleplayer gravity
g_gunViewStyle                   style presets
                                 0 = Q3 style
                                 1 = Shouldered style

g_healthTakeAmt                  how much health to take in nightmare mode
g_healthTakeLimit                how low can health get taken in nightmare
g_healthTakeTime                 how often to take health in nightmare mode
g_keepEntityStats                keep track of entity usage stats
g_log                            enables game logging
g_mapCycle                       map cycling script for multiplayer games -
                                 see mapcycle.scriptcfg
g_mp_gravity                     multiplayer gravity
g_mpWeaponAngleScale             Control the weapon sway in MP
g_muzzleFlash                    show muzzle flashes
g_nightmare                      if nightmare mode is allowed
g_password                       game password
g_perfTest_aiNoDodge             ai attempts no dodging
g_perfTest_aiNoObstacleAvoid     ai does not attempt obstacle avoidance
g_perfTest_aiNoRagdoll           ai does not ragdoll
g_perfTest_aiNoVisTrace          ai does no vis traces
g_perfTest_aiStationary          ai attempts no combat movement
g_perfTest_aiUndying             makes all AI undying
g_perfTest_hitscanBBox           all hitscans vs bbox, not rendermodel
g_perfTest_hitscanShort          all hitscans capped at 2048
g_perfTest_noJointTransform      all joint transforms return origin
g_perfTest_noPlayerFocus         doesn't do player focus traces/logic
g_perfTest_noProjectiles         all projectiles are removed instantly
g_perfTest_weaponNoFX            no muzzle flash, brass eject, muzzle fx,
                                 tracers, impact fx, blood decals or blood
                                 splats (whew!)
g_playPlayback                   plays the current playback in a camera path
g_projectileLights               show dynamic lights on projectiles
g_recordPlayback                 record the player movement in a playback
g_showActiveEntities             draws boxes around thinking entities.
                                 dormant entities (outside of pvs) are drawn
                                 yellow.  non-dormant are green.
g_showcamerainfo                 displays the current frame # for the camera
                                 when playing cinematics
g_showCollisionModels            0 = off, 1 = draw collision models, 2 = only
                                 draw player collision models.
                                 g_maxShowDistance controls distance.
g_showDebugHud                   displays the debug hud
                                 0  = off
                                 1  = player
                                 2  = physics
                                 3  = AI
                                 4  = vehicle
                                 5  = performance
                                 6  = effects
                                 7  = map information
                                 8  = AI performance
                                 9  = MP
                                 10 = Sound
                                 32 = scratch

g_showEnemies                    draws boxes around monsters that have
                                 targeted the the player
g_showFrameCmds                  displays frame commands as they are executed
g_showGodDamage                  displays the amount of damage taken while in
                                 god mode on the hud
g_showHudPopups                  displays objective and database popups on
                                 the hud
g_showPlayback                   show g_currentPlayback
g_showPlayerShadow               enables shadow of player model
g_showProjectilePct              enables display of player hit percentage
g_showRange                      shows the range from the player to the first
                                 collision under the players crosshair
g_showTargets                    draws entities and thier targets.  hidden
                                 entities are drawn grey.
g_showTestModelFrame             displays the current animation and frame #
                                 for testmodels
g_showTriggers                   draws trigger entities (orange) and thier
                                 targets (green).  disabled triggers are
                                 drawn grey.
g_skill                          difficulty level
g_skipItemShadowsMP              disables all item shadows in multiplayer
g_skipPlayerShadowsMP            disables all player shadows in multiplayer
g_skipViewEffects                skip damage and other view effects
g_spectatorChat                  let spectators talk to everyone during game
g_testModelAnimate               test model animation,
                                 0 = cycle anim with origin reset
                                 1 = cycle anim with fixed origin
                                 2 = cycle anim with continuous origin
                                 3 = frame by frame with continuous origin
                                 4 = play anim once
                                 5 = frame by frame with fixed origin
g_testModelBlend                 number of frames to blend
g_testModelRotate                test model rotation speed
g_testPlayer                     test player classname
g_testPostProcess                name of material to draw over screen
g_testScoreboard                 number of clients to test in the scoreboard
g_timeEntities                   when non-zero, shows entities whose think
                                 functions exceeded the # of milliseconds
g_useDynamicProtection           scale damage and armor dynamically to keep
                                 the player alive more often
g_vehicleMode                    enables the new vehicle control system for
                                 the GEV.
g_version                        game version
g_voteFlags                      vote flags. bit mask of votes not allowed on
                                 this server
                                 bit 0 (+1)   restart now
                                 bit 1 (+2)   time limit
                                 bit 2 (+4)   frag limit
                                 bit 3 (+8)   game type
                                 bit 4 (+16)  kick player
                                 bit 5 (+32)  change map
                                 bit 6 (+64)  spectators
                                 bit 7 (+128) next map
gui_ui_name                      copy-over cvar for ui_name
ik_debug                         show IK debug lines
ik_enable                        enable IK
image_anisotropy                 set the maximum texture anisotropy if
image_cacheMegs                  maximum MB full-sized precompressed images
                                 to keep in memory
image_cacheMinK                  Minimum KB of precompressed files to defer
image_colorMipLevels             development aid to see texture mip usage
image_dontUsePrecompressedSkyboxesForCGW temp hack in case
image_downSize                   controls texture downsampling
image_downSizeBump               controls normal map downsampling
image_downSizeBumpLimit          controls normal map downsample limit (0 =
image_downSizeLimit              controls diffuse map downsample limit (0 =
image_downSizeSpecular           controls specular downsampling
image_downSizeSpecularLimit      controls specular downsampled limit (0 = 64)
image_filter                     changes texture filtering on mipmapped
image_ignoreHighQuality          ignore high quality setting on materials
image_lodbias                    change lod bias on mipmapped images
image_preload                    if 0, wait until level end to load images
image_showBackgroundLoads        1 = print number of outstanding background
image_useAllFormats              allow alpha/intensity/luminance
image_useCache                   1 = do background load image caching
image_useCompression             0 = force everything to high quality
image_useNormalCompression       2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps, 1
                                 = use 256 color compression for normal maps
                                 if available
image_useNormalCompressionLoadDDSForPal 1 = load dds files, and deswizzle them
                                 relevant for image_useNormalCompression = 1)
image_useOfflineCompression      write a batch file for offline compression
                                 of DDS files
image_usePrecompressedTextures   use .dds files if present
image_writeNormalTGA             write .tgas of the final normal maps for
image_writePrecompressedTextures write .dds files if necessary
image_writeProgramImages         copy program targas to compression directory
image_writeTGA                   write .tgas of the non normal maps for
in_alwaysRun                     always run (reverse _speed button)
in_anglespeedkey                 angle change scale when holding down _speed
in_freeLook                      look around with mouse (reverse _mlook
in_joystick                      enable joystick input
in_joystickLeftStickMove         left or right joystick controls move
in_mouse                         enable mouse input
in_pitchspeed                    pitch change speed when holding down look
                                 _lookUp or _lookDown button
in_toggleCrouch                  pressing _movedown button toggles player
in_toggleRun                     pressing _speed button toggles run on/off -
                                 only in MP
in_toggleZoom                    pressing _zoom button toggles zoom on/off
in_yawspeed                      yaw change speed when holding down _left or
                                 _right button
lcp_showFailures                 show LCP solver failures
logFile                          1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print
logFileName                      name of log file, if empty, qconsole.log
                                 will be used
m_maxInput                       caps the amount of mouse movement possible
m_pitch                          mouse pitch scale
m_showMouseRate                  shows mouse movement
m_smooth                         number of samples blended for mouse viewing
m_strafeScale                    mouse strafe movement scale
m_strafeSmooth                   number of samples blended for mouse moving
m_yaw                            mouse yaw scale
mat_useHitMaterials              1 = use preprocessed hit image files
mat_writeHitMaterials            1 = write preprocessed hit image data to
net_allowCheats                  Allow cheats in network game
net_challengeLimit               Limit the number of challenges sent to a
                                 server before giving up.
net_channelShowDrop              show dropped packets
net_channelShowPackets           show all packets
net_clientDownload               client pk4 downloads policy: 0 - never, 1 -
                                 ask, 2 - always (will still prompt for
                                 binary code)
net_clientLagOMeter              draw prediction graph
net_clientMaxPrediction          maximum number of milliseconds a client can
                                 predict ahead of server.
net_clientMaxRate                maximum rate requested by client from server
                                 in bytes/sec
net_clientPredictGUI             test guis in networking without prediction
net_clientPrediction             additional client side prediction in
net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress   remote console address
net_clientRemoteConsolePassword  remote console password
net_clientServerTimeout          server time out in seconds
net_clientUsercmdBackup          number of usercmds to resend
net_debugClient                  Show client networking information. 1: light
                                 2: verbose
net_debugFrameTime               Logs frame time information
net_debugPlayerCount             Current count by Think() of players in
net_debugStartLevel              Forces a new frame time log
net_debugTraffic                 Dumps network bandwidth usage
net_forceDrop                    percentage packet loss
net_forceInternet                Forces a server to consider all clients as
                                 net clients
net_forceLatency                 milliseconds latency
net_ip                           local IP address
net_LANServer                    config LAN games only - affects clients and
net_master0                      idnet master server address
net_master1                      1st master server address
net_master2                      2nd master server address
net_master3                      3rd master server address
net_master4                      4th master server address
net_menuLANServer                menu cvar for config of lan servers
net_port                         local IP port number
net_predictionErrorDecay         time in milliseconds it takes to fade away
                                 prediction errors
net_serverAllowServerMod         allow server-side mods
net_serverClientTimeout          client time out in seconds
net_serverDedicated              1 = text console dedicated server, 2 =
                                 graphical dedicated server
net_serverDrawClient             number of client for which to draw view on
net_serverMaxClientRate          maximum rate to each client in bytes/sec.
                                 For Internet servers this value is
                                 calculated on the go for optimal results.
net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay        maximum number of usercmds from other
                                 clients the server relays to a client
net_serverReloadEngine           perform a full reload on next map restart
                                 (including flushing referenced pak files) -
                                 decreased if > 0
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword  remote console password
net_serverSnapshotDelay          delay between snapshots in milliseconds
net_serverZombieTimeout          disconnected client timeout in seconds
net_showPredictionError          show prediction errors for the given client
net_verbose                      1 = verbose output, 2 = even more verbose
password                         client password used when connecting
pm_acceloverride                 Adjust the player acceleration.
pm_air                           how long in milliseconds the player can go
                                 without air before he starts taking damage
pm_bboxwidth                     x/y size of player's bounding box
pm_crouchbob                     bob much faster when crouched
pm_crouchheight                  height of player's bounding box while
pm_crouchrate                    time it takes for player's view to change
                                 from standing to crouching
pm_crouchspeed                   speed the player can move while crouched
pm_crouchviewheight              height of player's view while crouched
pm_deadheight                    height of player's bounding box while dead
pm_deadviewheight                height of player's view while dead
pm_forcespectatormove            Force the player to move like a spectator
pm_frictionoverride              Adjust the player friciton.
pm_jumpheight                    approximate hieght the player can jump
pm_maxviewpitch                  amount player's view can look down
pm_minviewpitch                  amount player's view can look up (negative
                                 values are up)
pm_modelView                     draws camera from POV of player model (1 =
                                 always, 2 = when dead)
pm_noclipspeed                   speed the player can move while in noclip
pm_normalheight                  height of player's bounding box while
pm_normalviewheight              height of player's view while standing
pm_runbob                        bob faster when running
pm_spectatebbox                  size of the spectator bounding box
pm_spectatespeed                 speed the player can move while spectating
pm_speed                         speed the player can move while running
pm_stamina                       length of time player can run
pm_staminarate                   rate that player regains stamina. divide
                                 pm_stamina by this value to determine how
                                 long it takes to fully recharge.
pm_staminathreshold              when stamina drops below this value, player
                                 gradually slows to a walk
pm_stepsize                      maximum height the player can step up
                                 without jumping
pm_thirdPerson                   enables third person view
pm_thirdPersonAngle              direction of camera from player in 3rd
                                 person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 =
                                 in front)
pm_thirdPersonClip               clip third person view into world space
pm_thirdPersonDeath              enables third person view when player dies
pm_thirdPersonHeight             height of camera from normal view height in
                                 3rd person
pm_thirdPersonRange              camera distance from player in 3rd person
pm_usecylinder                   use a cylinder approximation instead of a
                                 bounding box for player collision detection
pm_walkbob                       bob slowly when walking
pm_walkspeed                     speed the player can move while walking
r_actualRenderer                 the actual renderer used
r_alphaToCoverage                use alpha to coverage when multisampling
r_aspectRatio                    aspect ratio of view:
                                 0 = 4:3
                                 1 = 16:9
                                 2 = 16:10
r_brightness                     changes gamma tables
r_checkBounds                    compare all surface bounds with
                                 precalculated ones
r_clear                          force screen clear every frame, 1 = purple,
                                 2 = black, 'r g b' = custom
r_convertMD5toMD5R               converts all MD5 models to MD5Rs as they are
r_convertProcToMD5R              converts all PROC models to MD5Rs as they
                                 are loaded
r_convertStaticToMD5R            converts all LWO, ASE and FLT models to
                                 MD5Rs as they are loaded
r_customHeight                   custom screen height. set r_mode to -1 to
r_customWidth                    custom screen width. set r_mode to -1 to
r_debugArrowStep                 step size of arrow cone line rotation in
r_debugLineDepthTest             perform depth test on debug lines
r_debugLineWidth                 width of debug lines
r_debugPolygonFilled             draw a filled polygon
r_debugSphereSubdivision         amount of subdivision for debug spheres - 2
                                 = quick, 4 = spherical
r_demonstrateBug                 used during development to show IHV's their
r_displayRefresh                 optional display refresh rate option for vid
r_drawBoundInfo                  Draws corner coords and length dims on
                                 bounding boxes
r_finish                         force a call to glFinish() every frame
r_fixedHorizFOV                  vertical stretch for letterboxed cinematics
                                 authored for 4:3 aspect
r_flareSize                      scale the flare deforms from the material
r_forceConvertMD5R               forces conversion of MD5s, LWOs, and PROCs
                                 to MD5R, obeying r_convert*ToMD5R flags
r_forceDiffuseOnly               forces renderer to skip all but diffuse pass
                                 on non-arb2 renderers
r_forceLoadImages                draw all images to screen after registration
r_frontBuffer                    draw to front buffer for debugging
r_fullscreen                     0 = windowed, 1 = full screen
r_gamma                          changes gamma tables
r_glDriver                       "opengl32", etc.
r_ignore                         used for random debugging without defining
                                 new vars
r_ignore2                        used for random debugging without defining
                                 new vars
r_ignoreGLErrors                 ignore GL errors
r_inhibitFragmentProgram         ignore the fragment program extension
r_inhibitNativePowerOfTwo        Ignore the native power of two extension
r_jitter                         randomly subpixel jitter the projection
r_jointNameOffset                offset of joint names when r_showskel is set
                                 to 1
r_jointNameScale                 size of joint names when r_showskel is set
                                 to 1
r_lightAllBackFaces              light all the back faces, even when they
                                 would be shadowed
r_lightDetailLevel               current light level-of-detail (lights with a
                                 detail level that is greater-or-equal are
r_lightScale                     all light intensities are multiplied by this
r_lightSourceRadius              for soft-shadow sampling
r_limitBatchSize                 culls batches to the renderer that are of
                                 this size or less
r_lockSurfaces                   allow moving the view point without changing
                                 the composition of the scene, including
r_lod_animations_coverage        How much of the screen an entity must take
                                 up in order to be LODed.
r_lod_animations_distance        The distance to begin LODing animations at.
r_lod_animations_wait            How much to wait before animating the next
                                 frame (in seconds).
r_lod_entities                   Whether to use this LOD technique or not.
r_lod_entities_percent           The percentage of the screen an entity must
                                 take up before we stop drawing it
                                 (normalizd: 0.0-1.0).
r_lod_shadows                    Whether to use this LOD technique or not.
r_lod_shadows_percent            The percentage of the screen an entity must
                                 take up before we stop drawing it's shadow
                                 (normalizd: 0.0-1.0).
r_materialOverride               overrides all materials
r_megaTextureLevel               draw only a specific level
r_mergeModelSurfaces             combine model surfaces with the same
r_mode                           video mode number
r_multiSamples                   number of antialiasing samples
r_offsetfactor                   polygon offset parameter
r_offsetunits                    polygon offset parameter
r_orderIndexes                   perform index reorganization to optimize
                                 vertex use
r_penumbraMapDepthBias           bias added to depth value that is written
                                 into penumbra map
r_portalsDistanceCull            Allow culling of portals based on distance
                                 to viewer
r_renderer                       hardware specific renderer path to use
r_screenFraction                 for testing fill rate, the resolution of the
                                 entire screen can be changed
r_shadowMapDepthBias             bias added to depth value that is written
                                 into shadow map
r_shadowMapSlopeScaleBias        normal-dot-view scale added to depth value
                                 that is written into shadow map
r_shadowPolygonFactor            scale value for stencil shadow drawing
r_shadowPolygonOffset            bias value added to depth test for stencil
                                 shadow drawing
r_shadows                        enable shadows
r_showAlloc                      report alloc/free counts
r_showBatchSize                  highlighting of draw batches that fall below
                                 the desired polygons per draw call (purple
                                 really bad, red bad, yellow moderate, green
                                 good), 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw
                                 all front facing, 3 = draw all
r_showCull                       report sphere and box culling stats
r_showDefs                       report the number of modeDefs and lightDefs
                                 in view
r_showDemo                       report reads and writes to the demo file
r_showDepth                      display the contents of the depth buffer and
                                 the depth range
r_showDominantTri                draw lines from vertexes to center of
                                 dominant triangles
r_showDynamic                    report stats on dynamic surface generation
r_showEdges                      draw the sil edges
r_showEditorImages               renders the editor image rather than the
r_showEntityScissors             show entity scissor rectangles
r_showHitImages                  renders the hit material rather than the
                                 texture (1-additive,2-replace)
r_showImages                     1 = show all images instead of rendering, 2
                                 = show in proportional size
r_showIntensity                  draw the screen colors based on intensity,
                                 red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255
r_showInteractionFrustums        1 = show a frustum for each interaction, 2 =
                                 also draw lines to light origin, 3 = also
                                 draw entity bbox
r_showInteractions               report interaction generation activity
r_showInteractionScissors        1 = show screen rectangle which contains the
                                 interaction frustum, 2 = also draw
                                 construction lines
r_showLightCount                 1 = colors surfaces based on light count, 2
                                 = also count everything through walls, 3 =
                                 also print overdraw
r_showLightPortals               displays lights which cross more than one
r_showLights                     1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting
                                 ones covering the view, 2 = also draw planes
                                 of each volume, 3 = also draw edges of each
r_showLightScale                 report the scale factor applied to drawing
                                 for overbrights
r_showLightScissors              show light scissor rectangles
r_showMegaTexture                display all the level images
r_showMegaTextureLabels          draw colored blocks in each tile
r_showMemory                     print frame memory utilization
r_showNormals                    draws wireframe normals
r_showOverDraw                   1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = light interaction
                                 overdraw, 3 = geometry and light interaction
r_showOverdrawDivisor            fixme
r_showOverdrawMax                fixme
r_showPortals                    draw portal outlines in color based on
                                 passed / not passed
r_showPrimitives                 report drawsurf/index/vertex counts
r_showRenderTrace                report the number of render polys that were
                                 trace tested in the current draw frame
r_showSafeArea                   shows the safe area borders
r_showShadowCount                colors screen based on shadow volume depth
                                 complexity, >= 2 = print overdraw count
                                 based on stencil index values, 3 = only show
                                 turboshadows, 4 = only show static shadows
r_showShadows                    1 = visualize the stencil shadow volumes, 2
                                 = draw filled in
r_showSilhouette                 highlight edges that are casting shadow
r_showSkel                       draw the skeleton when model animates, 1 =
                                 draw model with skeleton, 2 = draw skeleton
                                 only, 3 = draw joints only
r_showSmp                        show which end (front or back) is blocking
r_showSurfaceInfo                show surface material name under crosshair
r_showSurfaces                   report surface/light/shadow counts
r_showTangentSpace               shade triangles by tangent space, 1 = use
                                 1st tangent vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent
                                 vector, 3 = use normal vector
r_showTexturePolarity            shade triangles by texture area polarity
r_showTextureVectors              if > 0 draw each triangles texture
                                 (tangent) vectors
r_showTrace                      show the intersection of an eye trace with
                                 the world
r_showTriangleTangents           show the tangents of the triangle the
                                 crosshair is over
r_showTris                       enables wireframe rendering of the world, 1
                                 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front
                                 facing, 3 = draw all
r_showUnsmoothedTangents         if 1, put all nvidia register combiner
                                 programming in display lists
r_showUnweld                     fixme
r_showUpdates                    report entity and light updates and ref
r_showVertexColor                draws all triangles with the solid vertex
r_showViewEntitys                1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view
                                 models, 2 = print index numbers
r_singleArea                     only draw the portal area the view is
                                 actually in
r_singleEntity                   suppress all but one entity
r_singleLight                    suppress all but one light
r_singleSurface                  suppress all but one surface on each entity
r_singleTriangle                 only draw a single triangle per primitive
r_skipAmbient                    bypasses all non-interaction drawing
r_skipBackEnd                    don't draw anything
r_skipBlendLights                skip all blend lights
r_skipBump                       uses a flat surface instead of the bump map
r_skipCopyTexture                do all rendering, but don't actually
r_skipDecals                     ignore the decals
r_skipDeforms                    leave all deform materials in their original
r_skipDiffuse                    use black for diffuse
r_skipDownsize                   skip downsize command in materials
r_skipDynamicTextures            don't dynamically create textures
r_skipFogLights                  skip all fog lights
r_skipFrontEnd                   bypasses all front end work, but 2D gui
                                 rendering still draws
r_skipGuiShaders                 1 = skip all gui elements on surfaces, 2 =
                                 skip drawing but still handle events, 3 =
                                 draw but skip events
r_skipInteractions               skip all light/surface interaction drawing
r_skipLightScale                 don't do any post-interaction light scaling,
                                 makes things dim on low-dynamic range cards
r_skipMegaTexture                only use the lowest level image
r_skipNewAmbient                 bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambient
r_skipOverlays                   skip overlay surfaces
r_skipPostProcess                skip all post-process renderings
r_skipRender                     skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D
r_skipRenderContext              NULL the rendering context during backend 3D
r_skipROQ                        skip ROQ decoding
r_skipSpecular                   use black for specular1
r_skipSubviews                   1 = don't render any gui elements on
r_skipSuppress                   ignore the per-view suppressions
r_skipTextures                   fixme
r_skipTranslucent                skip the translucent interaction rendering
r_skipUpdates                    1 = don't accept any entity or light updates
                                  making everything static
r_slopNormal                     merge normals that dot less than this
r_slopTexCoord                   merge texture coordinates this far apart
r_slopVertex                     merge xyz coordinates this far apart
r_subviewOnly                    1 = don't render main view, allowing
                                 subviews to be debugged
r_suppressMultipleUpdates        optimised def updates
r_swapInterval                   changes wglSwapIntarval
r_terrainScale                   vertically scale USGS data
r_test                           for internal testing of stuff
r_testARBProgram                 experiment with vertex/fragment programs
r_testGamma                      if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma
r_testGammaBias                  if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma
r_testSpecialEffect              enables a special effect
r_testSpecialEffectParm          parameter index for special effect
r_testSpecialEffectParmValue     parameter value for special effect
r_testStepGamma                  if > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma
r_trackTextureUsage              Track useage of textures during cinematics
r_useCachedDynamicModels         cache snapshots of dynamic models
r_useClippedLightScissors        0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact
                                 when near clipped, 2 = exact always
r_useCombinerDisplayLists        put all nvidia register combiner programming
                                 in display lists
r_useConstantMaterials           use pre-calculated material registers if
r_useCulling                     0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere + box
r_useDeferredTangents            defer tangents calculations after deform
r_useDepthBoundsTest             use depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill
r_useEntityCallbacks             if 0, issue the callback immediately at
                                 update time, rather than defering
r_useEntityCulling               0 = none, 1 = box
r_useEntityScissors              1 = use a custom scissor for LOD screen
                                 coverage calcs, but don't clip
r_useExternalShadows             1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light
                                 volume, 2 = force to no caps for testing
r_useFastSkinning                use fast skinning with a single weight per
r_useFrustumFarDistance          if != 0 force the view frustum far distance
                                 to this distance
r_useIndexBuffers                use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes
r_useInfiniteFarZ                use the no-far-clip-plane trick
r_useInteractionCulling          1 = cull interactions
r_useInteractionScissors         1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each
                                 shadow interaction, 2 = also crop using
                                 portal scissors
r_useLightCulling                0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of
                                 polyhedron faces, 3 = also areas
r_useLightPortalFlow             use a more precise area reference
r_useLightScissors               1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each
r_useNewSkinning                 use new skinning
r_useNodeCommonChildren          stop pushing reference bounds early when
r_useNV20MonoLights              use pass optimization for mono lights
r_useOptimizedShadows            use the dmap generated static shadow volumes
r_usePenumbraMapShadows          use penumbra/shadow maps shadows for
                                 projected lights
r_usePortals                      1 = use portals to perform area culling,
                                 otherwise draw everything
r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions 1 = do winding clipping to determine if each
                                 ambiguous tri should be lit
r_useScissor                     scissor clip as portals and lights are
r_useShadowCulling               try to cull shadows from partially visible
r_useShadowProjectedCull         discard triangles outside light volume
                                 before shadowing
r_useShadowSurfaceScissor        scissor shadows by the scissor rect of the
                                 interaction surfaces
r_useShadowVertexProgram         do the shadow projection in the vertex
                                 program on capable cards
r_useSilRemap                    consider verts with the same XYZ, but
                                 different ST the same for shadows
r_useSimpleInteraction           use simple interaction program for faster
r_useStateCaching                avoid redundant state changes in GL_*()
r_useTripleTextureARB            cards with 3+ texture units do a two pass
                                 instead of three pass
r_useTurboShadow                 use the infinite projection with W technique
                                 for dynamic shadows
r_useTwoSidedStencil             do stencil shadows in one pass with
                                 different ops on each side
r_useVertexBuffers               use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes
r_videoCard                      holds info about the installed video card
r_videoSettingsFailed            set to 1 after startup if the current video
                                 settings failed
r_znear                          near Z clip plane distance
rb_showActive                    show rigid bodies that are not at rest
rb_showBodies                    show rigid bodies
rb_showContacts                  show rigid body contacts
rb_showInertia                   show the inertia tensor of each rigid body
rb_showMass                      show the mass of each rigid body
rb_showTimings                   show rigid body cpu usage
rb_showVelocity                  show the velocity of each rigid body
s_decompressionLimit             specifies maximum uncompressed sample length
                                 in seconds
s_deviceName                     OpenAL device name
s_doorDistanceAdd                reduce sound volume with this distance when
                                 going through a door
s_frequencyShift                 enable or disable the frequency shift
s_globalFraction                 volume to all speakers when not spatialized
s_loadOpenALFailed               set to true if the OpenAL dll failed to load
s_maxChannelsMixed               max number of emitter channels that can be
                                 simultaneously mixed
s_minStereo                      minimum number of stereo sounds
s_musicVolume                    volume of music
s_muteEAXReverb                  mute EAX reverb
s_numberOfSpeakers               number of speakers
s_playDefaultSound               play a beep for missing sounds
s_radioChatterFraction           volume adjust, from 0 to 1, applied to every
                                 sound playing on the radio chatter channel
s_singleEmitter                  mute all sounds but this emitter
s_skipStartSound                 skip starting new sounds
s_speakerFraction                volume adjust, from 0 to 1, applied to every
                                 sound not playing on a voice channel
s_subFraction                    volume to subwoofer in 5.1
s_useDeferredSettings            use OpenAL deferred settings
s_useEAXOcclusion                use EAX occlusion

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